Hello, I’m Motan, a modeler.
I resumed making the old kit L-Gaim MK-1.
As expected, it was a serious operation (a major remodeling).
続きを読む [Old Kit] 1/144 Heavy Equipment L-Gaim MK-1 (Gundam frame is loaded inside.)
Hello, I’m Motan, a modeler.
I resumed making the old kit L-Gaim MK-1.
As expected, it was a serious operation (a major remodeling).
続きを読む [Old Kit] 1/144 Heavy Equipment L-Gaim MK-1 (Gundam frame is loaded inside.)
Hello, I’m Motan, a modeler.
MG Jim ver2.0, production was stopped for a while, but I started painting.
続きを読む [MG] RGM-79 GM VER2.0 (painting started …) + Continued assembly of RG Wing Gundam